
Real Estate & Construction

Real Estate & Construction

real estate & Construction

We assist our clients with all legal matters related to their real estate and construction law needs. Our team has extensive experience in advising on legal and contractual issues related to real estate and construction:

Ø Preparation and negotiation of construction contracts

Ø Evaluation of contractual terms

Ø Advice on delays in construction, defects in the work and termination of the construction contract

Ø Elaboration and analysis of technical consulting contracts

Ø Contract liability

Ø Elaboration and analysis of commercial and residential lease agreements

Ø Elaboration of lending, usufruct and lease agreements

Ø Urban allotment and licensing operations

Ø Eviction actions, restitution of possession and claim of property, constitution of adverse possession, collection and negotiation of rents, revision and updating of old rents, imposition of works in rented buildings

Ø Purchase and sale and exchange of land, autonomous fractions and buildings; carrying out acts of land and notary registration

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